
On February 17 2023, I received a phone call and email regarding an Airedale. A family had an Airedale they claimed was aggressive. He bit a family friend as the friend put his hand over the fence. They also informed me that he would
bite at the lawn mower, chain saw and weed trimmer. He also hated cats, squirrels and chickens and would kill them if he caught them. I asked if he was housebroken. The people said he didn’t make a mess in the garage as that is where he lived.
As you can see by his picture, his accommodations were less than stellar and he looked very sad.
After a few phone calls, Deb and Lew Pullen wanted to help this young lad. Deb and Lew had adopted previously from ATRA several times. Unfortunately, they were also very sad. They had just said goodbye to their sweet Bella and five weeks later had
to say goodbye to Henry so they were dogless. That was difficult for them as they had always had a dog but then the next day Deb was diagnosed with cancer. That was a lot to deal with and no dog to shower them with love. So they immediately said they would
go pick up Zeus and foster him. It was love at first sight. They felt Zeus needed to start over in his life so they named him Cooper.
Cooper was the glue that held everything together for the next year. He had lots of great new activities in his life. He loved going to doggie daycare and making new friends, human and dog alike. He loved his new home, living in the house, not the garage. He
went for walks with his Dad, spent time on the couch with his Mom and loved all the attention. I believe Cooper brought love, friendship and hope to Deb and Lew and vice versa.
Deb was recently given the wonderful news that her cancer was in remission. Now they are paying it forward to help other people. Cooper gets to go to nursing homes as an ambassador of love and friendship. Quite the transformation from his previous life don’t you think?
Here is Cooper at one of his nursing home visits. One of the residents is Lew’s brother. Lew and his brother grew up with dogs so he is thrilled to get to spend some time with Cooper. Thank you Cooper for making all of us realize Airedales can make a difference
in our lives.