Please do not chase or call. Just report sighting. She was in a new home and does not know her name.
Lost and Found

Our dog, a large breed Airedale Terrier named Finn, is missing since the middle of February – have you seen him? For specific information, please see the attached flier. He had no collar (his big brother chewed it off), no chip, not neutered. The picture on the flyer above is a bit dated, taken last fall and Finn ran off February 17.
Thanks for your help in finding our dog.

Our three-year-old Airedale Liam disappeared from a yard in Cameron, Wisconsin this morning around 10:30 AM. He’s not usually a runner but is goofy, friendly, and energetic. There is a $1,000 reward for finding him.

These two airdales are brothers just bought home from tenn. 3/13/16. They have always been locked in a kennel. They weren't even given names yet. So they have no idea of the world. Very very timid. If possible help bring them home. Thank you very much. REWARD Please call or text 775-741-2343
Nellie went missing a year ago and her family is still searchihng. She disappeared mid day from her yard. She turned 8 in January and is spayed and micro chipped. She has one white paw.

Lola a 13 years Airedale ran away. She was last seen In the area of NW 66th Street & NW 6th Drive
Date and Time: Saturday, June 28, 2014 - 8:00pmArea last seen: Kissing Rock Lane SE Lowell, MI If you have information please contact: Barb Oimas phone: (989) 837-5855 or email:

jr is very friendly and is around 75 pounds, last seen sat. night scared of storms and gun shots If found call 316-214-7617

DO NOT CHASE She is very timid and has Heartworm. CALL as soon as possible with any sightings. She is wearing a purple collar and yellow Cleveland APL tag. She is being fostered for medical issues.
Spotted 9/14/15 on Sprague at Marks Rd, Olmsted Falls, OH
Gender: Female Age: Adult
Color: Black and Tan
Spayed/Neutered: Yes
Wearing Collar with Tag: Yes
Medical: Heartworm