Make a Donation to ATRA

We are a 501 c3 and we rely on the financial donations of many of our supporters.

By check

To make a donation by check, make your check out to "ATRA" and send it to
1123 Vesper Road
 Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Please do not send cash.

Via PayPal or credit card

You can make a donation to ATRA with your credit card through Annette Aire-Looms by clicking here.

Subscribe to our Newsletter

You can get ATRA's Newsletter for only $20 annual donation.   Not sure if you are interested, request a Sample Newsletter.

With an annual donation of $20 you will be subscribed to the ATRA Newsletter and get your choice of a traditional mailed or an email copy (GREEN EDITION) or both. We highly recommend that you consider the GREEN EDITION only as your subscription choice because when you do that you have quick access to the newsletter at the beginning of the month on your computer or smart phone.

Please remember that to continue receiving the ATRA newsletter we ask for a small annual donation of $20.  Your donation will help the Airedales in need and assures that you receive either the GREEN EDITION or hard-copy edition of the newsletter sent to you every other month for a year.

We are very reasonable about our subscription expiry calculations and we will send you a reminder or two before we remove you from the mailing list.

Click here to donate and be subscribed.


Bequests and Planned Gifts

When there's a "will", there's a way......sounds a bit different than the regular version of an old cliche', doesn't it? What we are really talking about is a way for ATRA supporters to continue helping ATRA far into the future. It's called BEQUESTS AND OTHER PLANNED GIFTS.

Many of you may already have "wills" that provide for your heirs and may even leave assets to charities you support. If so, KUDOS TO YOU! Almost 70% of U.S. residents pass on without leaving a "will"! Their assets are controlled by the county and state laws, who then decide whom receives what. In addition to being one of the simpliest ways to distrubute your estate, your "will" can also create a vehicle through which to make charitable groups such as ATRA to help provide for the future of all the Airedales that are sure to need our help!

If you are one of the ATRA supporters who have not yet made your "will", PLEASE DO SO AND CONSIDER MAKING A BEQUEST TO ATRA. Any amount "will" help ensure ATRA's continuing ability to serve Airedales that need our help.

A "bequest" is a wonderful way to support the future work of ATRA and may help you avoid captial gains taxes and sometimes allows you to give more than you normally would be able to give. By having an attorney prepare your "will", or revise it with a simple amendment, you can make a gift of a specific dollars amount, specific property, a percentage of your estate or what is left after your heirs have been taken care of. A simple "will" lets YOU control where your assets should go once you leave here and go onto "Airedale Heaven".

Please consider helping ATRA through this simple way.

Thrivent Choice

Thrivent Choice is a charitable grant program in which members of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans can recommend where Thrivent Financial distributres part of its charitable funds each year. Airedale Terrier Rescue & Adoption (ATRA) is one of the select choices a member can select for their choice dollars.